Monday, 20 April 2015

JB Carr Trophy v Elm Park 20-4-2015

Hmmmm , we narrowly lost out in 3 interclub matches on Sat 18th & Sun 19th. All  future interclub matches shall be played on a Monday....... Well done to the JB Carr team that defeated a very strong Elm Park home at Dublin Mountain 3 &1/2 ~  1 &1/2

Leinster 4 Ball V Citywest

 3 1/2 ~ 1 1/2 loss to Citywest. At home: Peter Behan &Tony Foran won 3&2; Leo Mahon & Neville Morgan lost on 16;Martin Dobey & Paul Best defeated on the 18th.
No joy for the Away Team:Mick O'Sullivan & Alan Stewart ;Kevin Barry & Richard Whealans.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Barton Cup V Woodenbridge 19-4-2015

4~1 loss to Woodenbridge. A weekend of near misses in interclub matches continued, hard luck stories..."what ifs", again a very close match, At home Kevin Behan & Colm Daly won well 6&5, Eoin Boggans & Brian Cruise lost on the 17th hole to birdie, Damian Byrne & Noel Murphy lost out to an excellent chip in birdie by their Woodenbridge opponents on 18.
Away: Gerry Brady & Mick O'Leary were all SQ thru 9 but eventually defeated 4&3, Robbie Meany & Darragh McCusker were edged out 5&4.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Metropolitan Cup V Bray Golf Club 18/4/2015

The 6 - 3 final result for Bray does not reflect how close the match was on the course.
At Home:Eamonn Sexton was at one stage 3up but was edged out on the 18th hole, Colm Daly battled to the 17th hole, with Mick Duggan  getting to 18,but with the match outcome already decided with the 4 losses away Colm & Mick earned a half each.Damian Byrne won 3&2, Brian Cruise won 6&5
Away at Bray: Philip Querney took it to Hole 17. Jim Graham;Ray Dunne;;Mick O'Leary
Best of luck to a strong Bray team in the next round.

Bunker Progress 4th & 17th

4th Hole Left will be reduced in size, 4th Hole Right is now finished, with drainage renewed.
17th left has been slightly reduced, re-shaped and re-sanded.
4th Right Finished

4th Right B

above photo is 4th Hole Right (A)
above 2 photos are 17th hole Left