Ticket Draw 30.7.2024
Dear Member,
We began the ticket distribution on Captains day last week and we have left many tickets to be collected @reception where you can pick them up and sign the sheet. I outlined the reasons for the fund raiser in the recent Whatsapp and in short, we have to make this a success so we don’t have to revisit the membership with a 2nd fund raising activity. Thank you to those who have bought and paid for tickets already.
In terms of Payment you have the following options as agreed with our Treasurer and Captain
1. Our preferred method is by cash as we have always done. Please use notes only as the bank charge us for coinage. The Master sheet @ reception will be marked as paid
2. If you can’t do cash you can do a bank transfer to the BMG account referencing your name and tickets. The account details are IE41PBS99062000330881. The Master Sheet @reception will be updated on a weekly basis if you have paid by Bank Transfer
All ticket stubs to be left @ reception. The committee are obviously trying to reduce the amount of Administration involved to the above (Hence please use cash if at all possible) but equally we want to be totally transparent in relation to ticket activity and report back to the membership on the success of this fund raising activity accurately.
Yours Sincerely
Committee Member