Saturday, 18 November 2023
Sunday, 12 November 2023
November Newsletter
Following November’s committee meeting I wish to send members an update from the committee in relation to forthcoming events, Inter club matchplay competitions, internal match play competitions, Facility improvements etc. Our job is to work on behalf of the members and to make your Butter Mountain Golf Club experience a very positive one.
Some Notices and upcoming events include.
· BMGC Committee 2024 and we wish them all the best for the year
o Captain George Maloney
o President Paddy Horan
o Treasurer George Maloney
o Hon Secretary Gerry Brady
o Competition & Handicap Secretary Brian Cruise
o Committee members Mick McKeown, Hugh Behan & Dave O’ Driscoll
· Playing conditions. Please check BMGC blog site for competition playing conditions and check your Whatsapp before you start your round to see if there are any further updates e.g :Overnight frost and you may need to play the first 6 holes on temporary greens
· The committee are ultimately responsible for the Whatapp group so some reminders for everybody’s benefit include
WhatsApp Do’s
o Keep it to golf Messaging
o Engage with the membership to get playing partners.
o Ask yourself does your message need to be private or for all members of the group and message accordingly.
o Checking for playing conditions
WhatsApp Don’ts
o Please don’t Share Videos
o Never get Personal with other members
o Complain over this forum, instead email the committee at
Gazebo on the 13th /course
o It is the intention to move the Gazebo in time but not currently as the ground is too soft and also (speaking of soft ground conditions)
o Please don’t play off temporary Greens
o Please repair your Divots at all times
o Please repair your Pitch Marks
o Please use Paths where available
· Sunday Golf and starting on the 10th tee. This is allowed once no members are coming down the 9th fairway. We will monitor this ruling when better playing conditions prevail.
· GUI Can I ask all new members to check their GUI APP to see how many competitions you have entered. Please ensure that you enter 20 competitions for the year as this will
o Ensure you are eligible to play Inter Club Competition
o Ensure you are eligible to win the BMGC Captain or Presidents day.
· Fees We are advised that the fees for 2024 will be €650 which we believe represents great value
· Course Improvements. All members can see the ongoing improvements and more recent work has concentrated on Pathways,drainage and Gazebo’s. This again demonstrates to us the owners commitment to on going enhancements.
· Wednesday opens will re-commence in April ‘24
· The fixture list for the year on our public facing website link
· There is a newClub developed by the owners which will also assist us in centralising the messaging in time. If you have any suggestions for improvements the Ladies would love to hear from you
· Sunday Golf : The Committee are continuously reviewing with the course how we best manage Sunday Morning Golf. We remind you to book well in advance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s. The more activity we get on Sundays will increase our capacity for change. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome .Currently the members exclusive time is upto 8am but you may book 2 weeks in advance to reserve your preferred Tee Time. Please ensure you book in on the BRS slot and Howdidido, mobile Apps.
Communication with Committee
If you have an issue or recommendation, we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium. The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.
Keeping you informed.
David O’ Driscoll
Committee Member.
Friday, 3 November 2023
Domestic Cuts + Save the Fairways
If your ball lands on the Fairway, Players have the option to move and place in the nearest side of rough, no nearer the hole. Placing everywhere within 6 inches. ( except Penalty areas)
- Domestic cuts are in play from November 1st, 2 shots for a win & 2 for each subsequent win. Handicaps are reset on the 1st of Jan 2024. All winners will have their wallet topped up by €40.
- * If playing numbers are low, the prize will be €20 & a -1 cut.
When playing in Competition, use your full Playing Handicap on the card as the minus 2 shots are calculated at competitions end.
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Player of the year Gross/Nett 2023
Congratulations to Sean Egan who wins this years Gross player of the year with a total of 56points, & also to Simon Mulroy on winning the Nett section with a score of 36pts
Player of the year points are allocated from position 1 to 10, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd 9pts, etc.
Your best 6 results from the 7 X Medals + Capt's + President's count towards a Gross & Nett winner.
Thursday, 5 October 2023
Oct Newsletter
BMGC News October 2023 4.10.2023
Dear Member,
Following October’s committee meeting I wish to send members an update from the committee in relation to forthcoming events, Inter club match play competitions, internal match play competitions, Facility improvements etc. Our job is to work on behalf of the members and to make your Butter Mountain Golf Club experience a very positive one.
Some Notices and upcoming events include.
• Saturday October 7th is our final monthly Medal of the year.
• AGM will take place in the Old Mill on Tuesday October 10th .The Committee are asking that you make a special effort to attend. This is your opportunity to contribute and we need the views and ideas of the membership so we can work on your behalf.
o Nomination slips for Committee as well as motions to be put forward and voted upon are in the club and you can also email the above if you wish to The committee are always looking for assistance and fresh ideas and we would be delighted to hear from you.
• GUI Can I ask all new members to check their GUI APP to see how many competitions you have entered. Please ensure that you enter 20 competitions for the year as this will
o Ensure you are eligible to play Inter Club Competition
o Ensure you are eligible to win the BMGC Captain or Presidents day.
• Fees We are advised that the fees for 2024 will be €650 which we believe represents great value
• Course Improvements. All members can see the ongoing improvements and more recent work has concentrated on Pathways,drainage and Gazebo’s. This again demonstrates to us the owners commitment to on going enhancements.
• Club Jerseys and Fleeces. Amanda has ordered the above and she expects delivery in October. Thank you to everybody who has ordered the above.
• Wednesday opens are on going and it is a great opportunity to invite visitors to play for €15 and showcase the course. Ladies are most welcome.
• The fixture list for the year on our public facing website link
• There is a new Club website developed by the owners which will also assist us in centralising the messaging in time. If you have any suggestions for improvements the Ladies would love to hear from you
• Sunday Golf The Committee are continuously reviewing with the course how we best manage Sunday Morning Golf. We remind you to book well in advance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s. The more activity we get on Sundays will increase our capacity for change. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome. Currently the members exclusive time is upto 8am but you may book 2 weeks in advance to reserve your preferred Tee Time. Please ensure you book in on the BRS slot and Howdidido.
• Whatsapp Group is a very efficient messaging system and thank to everyone for using it specifically for Club related activity. Can we please ask members to minimise the chatter on it and reserve them for private messages as appropriate.
• Communication with Committee
If you have an issue or recommendation, we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium. The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.
Keeping you informed.
David O’ Driscoll
Saturday, 30 September 2023
Sept 2's Club
Results for September 2's Club: €30 to be added to electronic Wallet. (to fall in line with the end of season accounts 2's have been picked for just the month of September, Bi-monthly draws will resume for Oct/Nov)
- Mark Mahon
- Gerry Brady
- Simon Mulroy
- Ciaran O'Connor
- Liam Burke
Note, any gross 2 (incl hole in one) recorded on the Howdidido App in a Saturday or Sunday Competition is included for a bi-monthly draw. In order to spread the potential winners, only 1 win per member is allowed. (Wednesday Competitions are not part of the 2's Club)
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Club Match Play 2023
Wednesday July 26th: Singles MatchPlay Final was won by Brian Cruise V Trevor Boyle, the semi finalists were Sean Egan and Gary Phelan.
Saturday July 22nd: Scotch 4's MatchPlay winners were Sean Egan & Billy Walsh V Ray Dunne & Jimmy Graham. The beaten semi finalists were Fergus Coghlan & Mick Lawless; Paddy Horan & Dave Murray.
Scotch Foursomes MatchPlay 2023
>> Singles MatchPlay Draw <<
To enter this internal club competition use the entry list on the Howdidido app, in the "Booking" section, the draws will be posted here on Sunday evening. Entry closes 3pm Sunday 14th.
Scotch Foursomes:
- Both players in a team tee off Blue Tees ,Choose preffered ball & Play alternate shots until completion of hole.
- All players in the match will individually calculate a Course Handicap (CH).
- Each Team takes 60% of the lower CH and 40% of the higher CH and adds them together, this is the pairs playing handicap.
- The full difference between the 2 teams handicaps will determine the number of shots given/received.
Singles Matches:
- Blue Tees: play off full Course Handicap (laminated CH sheet is in Changing room and at reception).
This years MatchPlay "enforcer" is Bernard O'Callaghan. 0860635954 contact Bernard asap if you're having issues arranging a match.
Thursday, 29 June 2023
Captains Day July 1st 2023
Dear Member,
Just a quick note to keep you informed re Captains Day this coming Saturday July 1st
1. The format for the day is Strokes and as with all stroke play we ask you to keep play moving at a swift pace and be considerate of your fellow members
a. Hit a provisional if necessary
b. Never lose a hole on the players in front of you
c. Play ready golf
d. The owners have given us additional member tee times on the day and it is incumbent upon all of us to respect that and avoid slow.
2. The competition entry fee is €10 and please pick up your goodie bag before you tee off.
3. The Committee have purchased a perpetual trophy which will be presented on our Social night which I can now tell you will be held in the Spawell on July 29th (Presidents Day).This will be a joint social event for Captains and Presidents day and prizes for the presidents day will also be presented on July 29th as well.
4. Longest Drive will be on the 18th (must be on the fairway) and nearest the pin on the 14th
5. All other prizes of which there are many in relation to the day will be presented on July 29th .There will be no wallet updates
6. I will also be distributing tickets for our annual fund raising draw which again will take place on the July 29th. I am hoping each member will take 4 tickets and more if you can.
Above all I hope everybody has a great day for what is considered the most prestigious competition of the year. The committee and I will be up there on Saturday to ensure everything goes to plan and that all members have an enjoyable experience. It simply remains for me to wish you all the best of Luck.
Yours Sincerely
David O’ Driscoll
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
June/July Newsletter
Sunday, 21 May 2023
Barton Cup Result
Great effort by our team today in the Barton Cup going down 3-2 to Foxrock. We won 2 at home and lost the third match on the 17th.
Congratulations to all on a great display.
Hugh Behan, Team Manager.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Super Seniors 2023
The 2023 Super seniors (over 70's) >>> Draw
Sunday, 7 May 2023
Pierce Purcell Interclub result
A super performance today for the Pierce Purcell team V Castle GC, narrowly losing out to an ever strong Castle team, 2 & 3 defeat.
At home: Team Capt Jimmy Graham & Ray Dunne won, with Kevin & Hugh Behan winning the other home point, Mick O'Leary & Mick McKeown put up a strong fight but were just edged out.
Away at Castle GC: Simon Mulroy & Stephen McNulty ; Gary Phelan & Darren Redmond lost out to very good home opposition.
Friday, 5 May 2023
May Newsletter
Some Notices for upcoming events include.
· Saturday May 20th is the 2nd Monthly Medal of the Season. Are you ready for Strokes?
· Wednesday opens are on going and it is a great opportunity to invite visitors to play for €15 and showcase the course. Ladies are most welcome.
· The fixture list for the year on our public facing website link
· Inter Club competitions continue this month and we wish the various teams the very best of luck.
please see our blog on has all the criteria required if you qualify to play on a team.
o Fred Perry for the over 55’s Managed by Gerry Brady V Lisheen Springs on SaturdayMay 13th
o Barton Cup Managed by Hugh BehanVfoxrock GC on Sunday May21st
o Pierce Purcell managed by Jimmy Graham V Castle Club on Sunday May 7th
· BMGC’s own internal club singles and Scotch Foursomes are scheduled for commencement in May. Brian Cruise and Bernard O’ Callaghan will be coordinating the above and the entries will be on the howdidido portal on Thursday 11th May.
The draw for the above will take place on Sunday May14th.A reminder for players who have yet to gain a handicap and wish to participate in this competition is that you must have 3 cards entered to secure your handicap in advance of your match being played. The round 1 deadline is set for May 29th.The guys will update the membership by WhatsApp, blog& the notice board
· There is a new Club website developed by the owners on the horizon which is likely to go live in May which will also assist us in centralising the messaging in time.
· The Committee are continuously reviewing with the course how we best manage Sunday Morning Golf.We remind you to book well inadvance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s. The more activity we get on Sundays will increase our capacity for change. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
· Codes of Ethics. The committee are reviewing a set of rules around the use of Whatsapp which will be shared with all members after our next meeting.
· The committee are also working on developing a clubcode of conduct for both on and off the course
· FundraiserThe committee plan to have a singular fundraiser this year.It will take the form of a raffle and we will be asking all members to try and sell 4 tickets. The raffle will be on presidents night (our only social of the year).More details to follow and tickets will go on sale in June
· The Committee have adopted Golf Irelands directives in that a member is not entitled to win the top prize on the captains and presidents day if they have not submitted 20 qualifying cards and have a full GUI Golf Handicap.The good news is however, that you will qualify to win one of the up to 20 other prizes on each day.
Communication with Committee
If you have an issue or recommendation, we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium. The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.
Keeping you informed.
Yours Sincerely
David O’ Driscoll
Thursday, 4 May 2023
InterClub Competitions 2023
> Click Here for main Draws Page < We are in the Leinster South Sections
Butter Mountain have a bye in Round one and will play Castle GC in Round 2
on Sunday May 7th, Team Manager: Jimmy Graham
Barton Cup: (combined 14 Handicap).
First Round match, Managed by Hugh Behan V foxrock GC is on Sunday May21st 12.00pm
Fred Perry Trophy: (over 55's)
Round one versus Lisheen Springs, set for the afternoon of May13th. Manager: Gerry Brady
Super Seniors (over 70's)
April 6th home V Elm park GC >>> 5 - 0 win
April 24th away to Powerscourt GC 24/4/23 >>> 5-0 Loss
May 6th 11am BMGC 3 & 1/2 Old Conna 1&1/2 >>>Home win:
Tuesday, 2 May 2023
March/April 2's Club winners
Results for Mar / April 2's Club: €30 added to electronic Wallet.
- Gary Masterson
- John Reid
- Bernard O'Callaghan
- Willie O'Brien
- Brendan Clear
- Ray Dunne
- Andy Foot
- Keith Lynch
Note, any gross 2 (incl hole in one) recorded on the Howdidido App in a Saturday or Sunday Competition is included for a bi-monthly draw. In order to spread the potential winners, only 1 win per member is allowed. (Wednesday Competitions are not part of the 2's Club).
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
April Newsletter
Dear Member,
Following April’s recent committee meeting I wish to send members an update from the committee
in relation to forthcoming events, Inter club match play competitions, internal match play
competitions, Facility improvements etc. Our job is to work on behalf of the members and to make
your Butter Mountain Golf Club experience a very positive one.
Some Notices for upcoming events include.
- Saturday April 22 nd There is a scramble scheduled for the captain (Dave O Driscoll) drive in
which is always great fun and we would like new members to play with more experienced
members so we can introduce ourselves to each other. Please don’t be shy and it is a great
way to find out more about the club and meet fellow members.
- Saturday April 29 th is the first Monthly Medal of the Season. Are you ready for Strokes?
- Wednesday opens commence on April 12 and it is a great opportunity to invite visitors to
play for €15 and showcase the course
- The fixture list for the year on our public facing website link
- Inter Club competitions kick off this week with the Super Seniors. We wish Terry Kirwan &
the team the very best of luck.
- Notices will be placed in the dressing room in the next fortnight for you to put yourself
forward for selection for the other 3 teams listed below. The team managers will also Send a
Whatsapp message when they have posted the sheet up in BMGC.
please see our blog on which has all the criteria
required if you qualify to play on a team.
o Fred Perry for the over 55’s Managed by Gerry Brady
o Barton Cup Managed by Hugh Behan
o Pierce Purcell managed by Jimmy Graham
- BMGC’s own internal club singles and doubles are scheduled for commencement in May we
will be in touch with regards to how you can enter by the end of April. Brian Cruise and
Bernard O’ Callaghan will be coordinating the above
- The owners are committed to making improvements to both the course and the facilities
and there is ongoing dialogue with the Committee.
- The Committee are reviewing with the course how we best manage Sunday Morning Golf.
We remind you to book well in advance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really
committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s.
- The Committee have adopted Golf Irelands directives in that a member is not entitled to win
the top prize on the captains and presidents day if they have not submitted 20 Qualifying cards and
thus have a fully Qualified Golf Ireland Handicap. The good news is however, that you will qualify to win one of the up to 20 other prizes on each day.
- Communication with Committee
If you have an issue or recommendation we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee
meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium.
The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.
We are all looking forward to the new season which promises to be a great one with the advent of
so many new members. Looking forward to the captains drive in and scrambling around the course
where we hope to meet new members and make you feel welcome.
Yours Sincerely
David O’ Driscoll
Saturday, 4 March 2023
2's Club Winners Jan/Feb
Results for Jan / Feb 2's Club: €30 added to electronic Wallet.
- Des Byrne
- John Reid
- Jimmy Graham
- Kevin Barry
- Mick O'leary
- Kevin Behan
- Sean Egan
- Cormac Doyle
Note, any gross 2 (incl hole in one) recorded on the Howdidido App in a Saturday or Sunday Competition is included for a bi-monthly draw. In order to spread the potential winners, only 1 win per member is allowed. (Wednesday Competitions are not part of the 2's Club).
Thursday, 2 February 2023
Weekly Club Competitions
- Wednesdays,€5 from 7.40am~10.24am. (open to visitors & guests from Mid April).
- Saturdays 7.40am~10.24am & Sundays 7.40am~8.56am (€6, to include 2's club).
- When booking on a Sunday> book your time on the Howdidido App & also on the BRS App.
- €28 Golf Ireland affiliation
- €25 insurance
- €8 Printing of GolfIreland Smartcard
- €2 To Club
Monday, 30 January 2023
New Members Guide 2023
Rules for beginners - Golf Ireland
World Golf Handicap Pocket guide
Step 1: Install the howdidido app, When you submit 3 cards a Handicap index will be allocated.
( In addition you can send a photo via email or WhatsApp to speed up the process).
Please put the 3 scorecards in an envelope marked "For Handicap" and leave at the course reception.
- Cards submitted in the Winter season: a temporary domestic Handicap will be allocated.
- Cards submitted in the Qualifying period April to end of October: an initial Golfireland handicap will be allocated, you will need 20 qualifying cards thru the season to have a fully developed Handicap (this will allow entry to interclub competitions in 2024).
After Handicap index allocation you will then have access to the HDID tee time booking system for Competitions and casual golf at the course.
Brian Cruise, Handicap Sec 2023