Thursday 11 April 2024

April Newsletter


Following April’s recent committee meeting I wish to send members an update from the committee in relation to forthcoming events, Inter club matchplay competitions, internal match play competitions, Facility improvements etc. Our job is to work on behalf of the members and to make your Butter Mountain Golf Club experience a very positive one. The RELENTLESS rain is playing havoc with the course preparations and our schedules so please bear with us as we have some revised dates that differ from the original fixture list. All golf clubs are experiencing the same difficulties.

Some Notices for upcoming events include.

Saturday May 11th is the REVISED date scheduled for our Captain’s (George Moloney’s) drive in. There will be a scramble format for this competition and more details to follow..

Saturday April 27th is the first Monthly Medal of the Season. Are you ready for Strokes?

Saturday May 4th is the REVISED date for the May MEDAL due to both weather and inter club fixture demands.

Wednesday opens commence on April 24th and it is a great opportunity to invite visitors to play for €15 and showcase the course.

Save the Date >

o Captains Day July 27th

o Presidents Day and evening social in Old Mill pub both on August 31st

The fixture list for the year on our public facing website link

New Members:  please be advised that you can submit 3 cards from any course with Qualifying conditions to get an initial handicap index.

Entering your Scorecard:  when entering your score please insert the details for who marked your card, Select “Skip” and then enter your score as normal. You can also enter your score on the howdidido app in the “Todays Golf” section. Some members have left a card in the competition card Box without entering their score digitally and this practice must stop.

Checking Your Wallet Balance:  Reminder to members to check their Wallet Balance on a regular basis and top it up if necessary

Inter Club Competitions 

Please see our blog on has all the criteria required if you qualify to play on a team. Please review the link below which gives you more details about the various competitions.

The Committee strongly advise that you give serious consideration to putting yourself forward for selection in your given category. BMGC have entered into 5 competitions this year and Gerry Brady will be working closely with the team managers including

o Leinster Men’s Fourball Managed By Hugh Behan

o Barton Cup Managed by Mick McKeown

o Pierce Purcell managed by Jimmy Graham

o Leinster Men’s senior Inter club managed by Paddy Horan

o Super Seniors managed by Terry Kirwan

BMGC’s own internal club singles and doubles are scheduled for commencement in May we will be in touch with regards to how you can enter by the end of April. SUBJECT TO WEATHER

Reminder for all players to repair divots, pitch marks and avail of the “save the fairway” options particularly as we remain in non- qualifying format.

The owners are committed to making improvements to both the course and the facilities and there is ongoing dialogue with the Committee. Note the work going on with the men’s toilets currently

The Committee are reviewing with the course how we best manage Sunday Morning Golf. We remind you to book well in advance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s. Please book on both Howdidido and the BRS System.

The Committee have adopted Golf Irelands directives in that a member is not entitled to win the top prize on the captains and presidents day if they have not submitted 20 qualifying cards and have a full GUI Golf Handicap. The good news is however, that you will qualify to win one of the up to 20 other prizes on each day.

Communication with Committee 

If you have an issue or recommendation, we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium. The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.

We are all looking forward to the new season (when the rain stops) which promises to be a great one particularly with the advent of 34 new members to date. Looking forward to the captains drive in and scrambling around the course where we hope to meet new members and make you feel welcome.

Yours Sincerely

David O’ Driscoll

Committee Member

Wednesday 3 April 2024

2's Club Feb/March

   Results for the bi-monthly 2's Club: €30 to be added to electronic Wallet. 

  • W O'Brien
  • E Boggans
  • G Brady
  • M Doyle
  • B Cruise
  • B Kelly
  • G Phelan

Note, any gross 2 (incl hole in one) recorded on the Howdidido App in a Saturday or Sunday Competition is included for a bi-monthly draw. In order to spread the potential winners, only 1 win per member is allowed. (Wednesday Competitions are not part of the 2's Club)

Tuesday 2 April 2024

New Handicap Rules

 From April 1st 2024 the WHS system is changing, please see the new handicap table below.

This now calculates your course handicap as Course Rating minus Par, this means on a course like ours where the rating at 68.8, is less than the par 71. This means a reduction in Handicaps.

On a course where the rating is e.g. 74 and the par is 72 you will receive more shots.

>GolfIreland advice<