Saturday 11 May 2024

Capt's Drive-in Scramble

 Scramble winners:

1st: J Morgan - M McKeown -  M O'Leary 58.7

2nd: B Herbert - B Nolan - F Sheppard 59.7

3rd: B Clear - B Cruise - D Redmond 60

Captain George wishes to thank all those who participated today.

Yellow Peril Competition advice

 Yellow Peril Competition Stableford: 

Use Howdidido Playing Handicap (=PH on label) then minus any domestic cuts

There is a separate Stableford and Team Competition, if the yellow ball is lost, players still play out the round for the individual prize.

  • On each hole, two team members play their own white ball for the individual Singles Stableford Scorecard and one plays the "yellow Peril" ball for team Scorecard. If YP player gets 2pts they add that to their own singles scorecard and also on the Team Scorecard.
  •   Take "yellow" ball in rotation. Lowest handicap index on first hole: Middle handicap index on second hole: Highest handicap index on third hole. Keep to this order for the 18 holes. 
  • If the Yellow ball is lost no more points can be added to Team Score.

A team that completes the full 18 shooting 34pts and returns the yellow ball to the Starters room would trump a Team that shot 35pts but lost their ball on e.g. the16th hole.

Friday 10 May 2024

Competition Conditions

From 11/5/24

*Until Further notice* 

No Placing on F/way    Play as it lies in the Rough.

** Bunkers in Play. (play as lies in bunker).

  • The new Gazebos are immovable obstructions, free drop from stance or intended line of swing  (No line-of-sight relief).
  • If your ball is lost in Casual water (excluding penalty areas), take a free drop where you last crossed the margin of the water, keeping that point in line with the Flag, with no limit to how far back you drop.
  • A ball found within, or stance affected by, Casual water should be dropped to the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole.

 Any new Competition/Conditions updates will be posted here thru the season


3 Ball Rumble

Apply Full Playing Handicap, as per sticker

Holes 1 to 6, mark the Best score on the card (Stableford points)

Holes 7 to 12 , Best 2 scores

Holes 13 to 18, Best 3 scores

   Please leave Rakes back inside Bunkers.

  • New Ponds are now staked, use relevant penalty area Rule. Note the scale of mixed Penalty area on 14th/7th in photo below. 




Scramble Stroke play, 1/6 combined Playing H/cap 

  •  Playing Handicap( = PH on Label), add up the 3  H/Caps and divide by 6.
  • All players Tee off ,select preferred ball, all play their own ball from that position. 
  • 5 Drives/tee shots from each team player must be used
  • For the purposes of this competition all players Place everywhere within 6 inches (except penalty areas).

  • If a team has only 2 players you will not be in the scramble, so sign in and Submit a Singles Scorecard as normal. 
  • No Placing if entering the standalone Stableford comp.

Click for Yellow Peril Rules


 Rules for Champagne Scramble:

  • Use Playing Handicap as per Howdidido label or App.
  • Players drive off. Team chooses which drive to play and marks it (all players can place). All team members play from this spot. and then finish out the hole with their own ball, in the normal Stableford manner.
  • 3 drives MUST be used from each player. Drives must be indicated on the scorecard by putting a circle around the player's score.

The best 2 scores are recorded (Stableford). The same applies to all other holes except the par 3’s.

On par 3’s: all players play their own ball from tee to green and then all 3 scores (stableford) are counted.
